
About Foo Fighters

About Foo Fighters

“Foo fighter” is a name given to a small, round flying object which followed [pilots] during the latter phases of the air war… Sometimes they would appear singularly but more often in groups, sometimes flying information. By day they appeared to be small metallic globes. By night they glowed with various colors…

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Santa Catalina Island, CA

Santa Catalina Island, CA

At 1:00 P.M. PST in Avalon, California, several hundred witnesses on Santa Catalina Island off Long Beach observed a formation of “saucers.”

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Foo Fighter Articles

Foo Fighter Articles

A collection of articles about the “Foo Fighter” phenomenon. 1945: “American pilots have been encountering the eerie “foo-fighter” for more than a month in their night flights. No one apparently knows exactly what this sky weapon is. The balls of fire appear suddenly and accompany the planes for miles…”

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Foo Fighters (unidentified date and location)

Foo Fighters (unidentified date and location)

November 1942: a squadron is flying anti-submarine patrol in the Bay of Biscay. Suddenly, the rifleman marks a “solid object” without wings appearing at the rear of the plane. At the turret, the unknown machine remains visible for 15 minutes, then rises in altitude and rotates 180 degrees before melting into the sky…

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Foo Fighters (with Japanese Zero)

Foo Fighters (with Japanese Zero)

This photo is of a World War II Japanese fighter, perhaps an early version of the Zero, with non retractable landing gear. Arrows point to the “Foo Fighters” tailing the plane

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Foo Fighters (with B-17 bombers)

Foo Fighters (with B-17 bombers)

This photograph was taken by a plane film crew during World War II. These B-17 bombers are doing their business during the height of allied bombing runs. The three white unknowns are part of the legendary “foo fighters.”

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Foo Fighter (over wing)

Foo Fighter (over wing)

This is just one of many photos of “foo fighters” taken by pilots during the war… These inexplicable spheres and discs of light were reported to be seen flying in formation, sometimes in what appeared to be mock battle or simply tailing squadrons of fighters…

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