Foo Fighters (unidentified date and location)

Foo Fighters (unidentified date and location)

November 1942: a squadron is flying anti-submarine patrol in the Bay of Biscay. Suddenly, the rifleman marks a “solid object” without wings appearing at the rear of the plane. At the turret, the unknown machine remains visible for 15 minutes, then rises in altitude and rotates 180 degrees before melting into the sky…

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Foo Fighters (with Japanese Zero)

Foo Fighters (with Japanese Zero)

This photo is of a World War II Japanese fighter, perhaps an early version of the Zero, with non retractable landing gear. Arrows point to the “Foo Fighters” tailing the plane

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Official US Government Foo-Fighter Documents

UNIT REPORTING : 415TH NIGHT FIGHTER SQUADRON DATE 13/14 FEBRUARY…About 1910, between Rastatt and Bishwiller, encountered lights at 3000 ft., two sets of them, turned into them, one went out and the other went straight up 2-3000 ft, then went out. Turned back to base and looked back and saw lights in their original position again… DATE : APRIL 23/24…At Rhine River, R-9593, observed 4 lights arranged in a square. Lightswent out as plane approached. 2205-2400 – Breisach area. 0/10 clouds at 13,000 ft. Visibility 1-2miles.. Flak: Intense light (Acc) …Observed 5 or 6 red and green lights in T form, seemedto be following A/C for short time, about 20 miles north of Breisach. WAR DIARY 415TH NIGHT FIGHTER SQUADRON JANUARY 1945OCREY AIR BASE, FRANCE …Foo-Fighters were at it again last night. This is The Operations report: “Halfway between Wissembourg and Landau sighted amber lights at 2000 feet. One light was 20 to 50 feet above the other and of about 30 seconds duration. Lights were about a foot in diameter, 1000 ft. away and following Beau. Lights disappeared when Beau turned into them.” HEADQUARTERS VII Bomber CommandMISSION REPORT NO. 11-327DATE: 2 MAY 1945 (GCT).OBSERVATIONS: The crew of plane #616 over FALA ISLAND, TRUK ATOLL, at 021802Z observed 2 airborne objects at their 11,000 foot altitude changing from a cherry red to an orange, and to a white light which would die out and then become cherry red again. These objects were out on either wing and not within range of caliber .50 machine guns. Both followed the B-24 through all types of evasive action. A B-24 took a course for GUAM and one of the pursuers dropped off at 021900Z after accompanying the B-24 for an hour. The other continued to follow, never approaching closer than 1000 yards and speeding up when the B-24 went thru the clouds to emerge on the other side ahead of the B-24. In daylight it was seen to be bright silver in color. As the B-24 let down at GUAM, the pursuer took a course of 330 degrees at 15, 000 feet to 20,000 feet altitude at 022130Z. ONe B-24 encountered eight intense flames light green in color, one of which burst and hung at 5,000 feet at 021013Z. There was no trail or warning until the actual burst. A B-24 reported 9 to 10 red tracer type trails of fire up to 5,000 feet. They came in pairs and one pair came within 50 to 100 yards of the tail of the B-24 at 021010Z. Source of each pair was at a different location. {[} Source: Seventh Bomber Command Mission Reports, 742.332 – 8 February- 16 May 1945 {]} WAR DIARY 415 NIGHT FIGHTER SQUADRONOCHEY AIR BASE, FRANCE DECEMBER 1944 The following is an excerpt from the operations report:“Saw a brilliant red light at 2000 feet going E at 200 MPHin the vicinity of Erstein. Due to AI failure could not pickup contact but followed it by sight until it went out.

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Foo Fighters (with B-17 bombers)

Foo Fighters (with B-17 bombers)

This photograph was taken by a plane film crew during World War II. These B-17 bombers are doing their business during the height of allied bombing runs. The three white unknowns are part of the legendary “foo fighters.”

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Foo Fighter (over wing)

Foo Fighter (over wing)

This is just one of many photos of “foo fighters” taken by pilots during the war… These inexplicable spheres and discs of light were reported to be seen flying in formation, sometimes in what appeared to be mock battle or simply tailing squadrons of fighters…

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St. Paris, Ohio

St. Paris, Ohio

This picture was taken of a man named George Sutton near midday May 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot. The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton’s left shoulder in this photograph. Sources: James Neff for Rense.com, iwasabducted.com

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Ward, Colorado

Ward, Colorado

“My father was there to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking the photo, he described a ‘terrible thunderous bellow,’ and a large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the air above them”

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