Apr 022011
 April 2, 2011

April 2, 2011 - Markham, Ontario
Unknown Chain of Lights Filmed at Witness Property North of Markham, Ontario – April 2, 2011 – Approx.: 6:30 a.m.

It was on April 2, 2011, at about 6:30 am, and I was just sitting at my computer, when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It was two strings of very bright lights flashing, kind of like Christmas lights that run. I grabbed my camera and snapped two photos. I zoomed in so they blurred somewhat. I quickly ran down stairs to go outside, in hopes of getting a better shot, but they were fading away by then. I have them posted on my Facebook. My husband has lived here 20 years and never seen anything like them. There is a town in the same direction, but I looked for the next 2 days and saw nothing that even looked like that.

Source: UFO Casebook via sightings.com

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